He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the LORD
require of you?
To act justly and to
love mercy and to walk humbly
with your God.
Micah 6:8
The Scripture above has always been
one, which I feel exemplifies my parent’s lives.

He was a Public Servant, a Firefighter.
He was the Assistant Chief
My dad was involved in labor unions,
his whole life. I always believed he “fought for the little guy”. That was his
intention. It was not to manipulate or strong arm people into “doing the right
thing”... He was motivated, by knowing that workers could be exploited and
their efforts undermined. He was a catalyst to bring fairness and truth into
the testing process in the city he worked in.
He was a man, that was often admired but
sometimes disdained.
We found out that there were many
people who appreciated his courage and his stand in fighting for their fair
rights. After he died, man after man, have told us, that although my dad’s
manner could sometimes be intimidating, nevertheless, they respected him for
his stand and his courage to face the “powers that be.” on behalf of others.
My mother was a good soul and giving
was so part of her nature. I was often in awe as to how she put other’s needs
She gave in so many ways. In saying
that, it could be money, but it was rarely that. She gave of herself.
She visited the sick and the elderly.
She gave groceries and goods to people who were in need. She wrote encouraging
notes to others, to let them know that they were remembered and important. She
would lend a hand to strangers, whether it was to give them a ride (I know that
seems scary to me now) or help them acquire goods that they needed for living. She
was a member of her church’s ministry to visit the homebound. She not only went
to their homes, but she went around town, to pick up those women, who were
elderly and handicapped, so that they could visit as well. She often lent an
ear to many. She was a good listener. She seemed to have a sense of another
person being down and depressed. She did not give up on people. She would
believe in the very best for them. I believe, in her own style, she too,
“fought for the little guy”
Sadly, when my dad passed away, he did
not receive the honor, in his city, to have flags flown at half mast. The
hierarchy stubbornly denied him what he deserved. However, there was redemption
for his memory.
As his funeral procession passed the
last Firehouse that he served in, the crew of that shift’s firefighters, stood
in front of the house. They were at attention, saluting him. They did this
courageous act, despite the presence of the very Officer that denied my father
his due. Our family will never forget that. And the “little guys” did not
forget my dad.
My mother was remembered by many at
her wake. We had a journal in which people could write about the ways that she
impacted their life. There had been obvious things that we had seen all along.
But,it was a thrill to know how she affected people, in personal and sometimes
secret ways.
I visited the State Fire Academy after
my father died. The man, who was the head of it, concurred on what I have told
you about my dad. He said “I remember your dad, with that cigar sticking out of
his mouth, speaking his mind for justice.
He would not mince words. He was not a touchy feely kind of guy, but we
all had a respect for him.” Does that make you think of the Prophets of old?
They lived their lives, not for
accolades, but to live out the Gospel.
My mom had a funny thing she would say when
someone complimented her. She would say “If I had a quarter for every nice
thing you say to me, I would give you a quarter for each one!”
So to my dad… I say “Dad…when I join
you, I’ll bring your trademark cigars!”
To my mom… I say “Mom, you’d better
have some quarters ready!”
Linda Maynard
1 comment:
I know that this is not usually done...to comment on your own blog. However, as I reread what I wrote about my parents, I was happy and proud of them.
As Tony writes on Friday...he has the best of what his parents each gave.
I wrote my blog with the same heart.
I was just struck with a thought...what would my son and daughter write about me, if they could?
I hope that it would be in the same spirit...where they focus on the positive and have a heart of forgivness for when I have messed up and let them down.
I am in awe at this moment, that the Lord has taught me to Love the way that He loves.
Andrea wrote in her personal blog, something that I think is always vital to remember...The Lord loved us FIRST! ( and YES I am yelling)*smile*
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