This last week of Decemeber, each of your Kingdom Bloggers is going to share a frequently pesky hindering to our regular worship. While not limited to a weekly corporate worship service, that's where I will be in my post today.
A few years ago, I shared on Kingdom Bloggers my rough beginnings joining the Praise Team for the church where I attend. Often during that time, my focus during church worship services were far from thoughts of my beloved Savior. While I've settled into the role and completely relish the relationships I've developed in my 'small group', there are still times that my focus drifts more to the mechanics of the task at hand and are less on making a joyful noise for Him.
Satan surely knows exactly which buttons to push...
Over the course of the past few years, there have been regular occurrences where I'm playing a hymn for the very first time. Not just playing...but often hearing it for the first time too. Who would have guessed there are a number of differences in hymnals between denominations?
Our band plays two services: a traditional service at 8:30 am and a contemporary service at 11 am with Sunday School sandwiched in between. While our second service is often planned and practiced prior to Sunday morning, the traditional service music is never that way. As a matter of fact, the hymns are often chosen mere moments before services start.
I actually feel a bit of anxiety just typing that stated fact...
Here's where my worship hindrance can often be found. I earnestly try to prepare for worship services each week by praying and focusing on my 15 minute drive to church. Many times, that drawing close to my Father is quickly evaporated when the anxieties come with the loss of confidence in the abilities God has given me to play drums.
My focus shifts to me and away from our most worship-worthy Creator.
There's a continuing effect at times too. During a service where I know I've...well...been far less than stellar (a nice way of saying I stunk it up), my mind is often fixated on the proverbial water under the bridge and less on the message God wants me to hear that morning.

Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum.
1 comment:
I just LOVE the Drummer Boy! and you ain't so bad yourself.
If you lived closer I would ask you to teach me how to play drums. It has been a life long dream of mine...I am not kidding.
Jesus has to have a drum set set up for me in heaven..He just HAS to.
Thanks for the honest post.
It's hard when you are right up there for all to see and all to hear.
I remember years ago I was in a Drum Corp and played the bugle. ( which I hated and it was not my choice, but that's another story)
I was participating in an individual competition...So there I was, standing front of the judges and a small crowd.
I think we were to play 2 assigned call and then 1 which was a choice.
Well it was extremely hot and my mouth was dry as cotton which is like "failure waiting to happen" for a horn player. So I blew and I blew and I blew and nothing but squeaks would come out.
I then proceeded to faint!
Hmmm...did you ever think something like that might help you?
Just kidding!
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