I am not a good procrastinator. Getting things done on time is important to me, sometimes to
a fault (like “demonstrating exasperation” when we are running late to church).
As I mentioned on a recent blog post about being a disciplined person (not
perfectly, of course), in grad school I would start my projects and papers far
ahead of the deadline, because I despised the anxiety and stress--and the less
effective prose--when under the gun, so to speak.

My sister Ann used to bug me about getting my books written.
She hasn’t mentioned my doing that in a while, so she apparently now knows that
bugging a writer to write, much like spewing exasperation at certain people who
make you late for church, is not effective.
What may be more effective is my noticing the clock ticking
towards my next birthday: 49. While 49 is just about half the age of my friend
Ward (he just turned 90) and that makes me feel like the new 30, I
recently realized that I have been planning on writing a book for more than 25
years, and I felt old and unaccomplished.
I have three books in my head right now: one that I have
been musing over for four years is “Austenesque,” but it is somewhat dark in
nature; another is non-fiction about my favorite artist from the 1890's who
became a Christian--I have been researching it off and on, but really need to
go to France and England (anyone want to be my patron?); and the third is
actually not just in my head, but on paper in the form of several chapters. I
recently developed the content further and spoke at a one-day retreat on its topic: how God’s love transforms.
This last one is the first one I will publish--makes sense,
since it is the only one I have substantially worked on--once I actually stop
procrastinating and finish it and find a publisher.
In the meantime, I really should clean out my fridge.
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