Partly because I enjoy cooking, sitting down with people and sharing a meal and hanging out. Also because I have so much for which to be thankful.
I know me; I know how selfish I can be - yet God still loves me anyway. He came and took on human form and dealt with all that meant, then was betrayed, mocked, tortured, and died on my behalf. That alone is more than I can ever express my intense gratitude regarding.
Then there's the fact that I was born in America and all the freedoms I've experienced my entire life. Add to this the fact that I've always had food, shelter and clothing. I'm healthy in mind and body and have a husband who loves me. I have three healthy sons. I belong to a local church where there are people who sincerely care about me. I get to work at a job where we make a difference and where most of the people are good and kind.
I am blessed way beyond what I deserve and today I'm thinking on how thankful I am.
Hope you had a full and filling Thanksgving.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving as well photogr.
Ours turned out rather wonderful. We took a lot of food to my mom's where we shared the day and dinner with my mom, sister & neice. Perhaps my favorite part of the day was on the drive there when each of our family shared and discussed all the things for which we're thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving to you to Tracy.
We do have a lot to be grateful for.
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