Friday, April 30, 2010

Crossing the Red Sea in Your Own Backyard

The Miracles of God – from the time of Moses through the Acts of the Apostles – I find them all fascinating.  Imagine being a Hebrew and seeing the Red Sea part! There Scripture says there was a wall of water on the left, and another on the right. Exodus 14:22 Maybe you saw the movie The 10 Commandments. I think it was a lot more amazing than that. Why? Because there were 5 million Hebrews and their livestock and belongings! This was no path through a tidal marsh. Based on the text, the Exodus appears to have taken 12 or more hours.

And for those that think that the tide went out, I just want to know how the entire Egyptian Army drowned in a few feet of water?

The account of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea is pretty exciting. But I am with Dave Tvedt, I like my modern conveniences: toilet paper, hot showers, my car, heat, A/C and of course my Gibson Les Paul and Marshall ½ stack.

As I think about miracles in the Bible, I want to concur with John. (1 John 1:1-4) I want to speak of what I have seen; what the Father has seen fit to let appear to me – that, I want to speak of.

In my Christian walk I have seen lots of healing and miracles. I have seen cars run without gas; and not a Prius either. There were furnaces running without oil and the tank drain plug was removed! I have seen skin cancer fall off, X-Rays show cancer one week, and follow-up X-rays showing it completely gone the next. I have seen alcoholics and drug addicts set free with a prayer, marriages healed, and words of knowledge that were so personal it was mind blowing. And of course the greatest miracle of them all, a life changed in the twinkling of an eye - passing from darkness to life.

I believe that the supernatural is a way of life. It seems random some times, but for those that press in, it is more regular than the average skeptic would believe.

My favorite miracle was when our now 6-year-old was born. My wife was in labor and we were listening to the 10 Shekel Much CD as I chatted with the doctor. I was holding my wife’s hand and everything about her birth seemed pretty normal. But then she caught her shoulder in the birth canal – a condition called dystocia.  The doctor went into emergency mode, and nurses came running from everywhere. It all turned out OK, but it was a little scary. The next day, our precious little one whose lungs had become filled with “stuff” spiked a temperature and had an infection. The pediatrician put her on antibiotics but her vitals were getting worse by the hour. Instead of taking home a healthy little girl, she was fighting to stay alive.

On the way down to the cafeteria that day, there was a couple that lost their child. It was painful to watch them holding each other and sobbing. I remember just asking God to give them peace. I can’t imagine the pain.

With wires and IVs everywhere we couldn’t pick up little Charlotte. It was awful to be so helpless just looking at her. She was three days old and my wife and I stood there by the plastic bassinet, looking, holding hands, and watching the important vital signs approaching deadly limits. It was then that I asked my wife to pray for her with me. We simply asked God to heal Charlotte. The power of God fell and Charlotte was out in the spirit. Her perpetual motion (to this day) stopped as God’s presence came to her room. We felt peace too.

Just a few hours later; less than 2, her vitals improved significantly, and within 4 hours they were normal. The nurses seemed surprised and the doctor did too. The hospital kept her one more night to make sure everything was OK and we took her home the next day.

How about you, is there a miracle that you were a witness to?


Joyce said...

I know the feeling of watching your infant lie helpless with tubes and IV's - it is a horrible deep pain that you don't forget. Yet, thankfully we have both had miracles. Thanks be to God...

Tony C said...


I never get tired reading or hearing of God's power. Thank you for sharing.

photogr said...


Yep. there have been a few come to think of it.

eaglegirl said...

It is awesome to see God move like that. I have had many answers to prayers for others that have come to pass positively.
And while they may not seem to be a 'parting of the Red Sea' event the mighty hand of God showed up.
I really annoys me when people say 'The least I can do is pray" No ! No! The most we can do is pray.
And that Charlotte of yours is such a blessing for sure, I love to see pictures of what she is up to. Praise God for the miracle of her life.