Quotes are short, concise ideas that are communicated quickly. Most people can quickly identify one or two quotes that are meaningful in some way to them. This week on Kingdom Bloggers that is exactly what we’re doing. Tune in each day to which quote we chose and feel free to leave a comment and share your own favourite quote.
Come and share a pot of tea with me, my house is warm and my friendship free. ~unknown
I love this quote because it denotes community and friendship.
In my mother’s house, while I was growing up there were always baked goods and a pot of coffee and/or tea ready to be served, because you never knew when someone would stop by for a visit. My mother taught me well; it is partly my personality and my gift of hospitality but I still do that, even though where I live most people don’t just “pop in” but that doesn’t stop me from being prepared. If no one comes to me then I bring my baked goods elsewhere or I invite people in during the day.
My living situation is unique; my family lives on a large summer property and during the winter months (September-June), there are 4 rental houses (the rest of the extended family move in during July and August). We have a constant stream of neighbours and because of the short lease period, most tenants are in a transitional period in their lives. It’s a ministry opportunity and I don’t even have to go further than a neighbour’s house.
Shortly after we had moved here, I was a little tired of dealing with other people’s stuff and I told the Lord, I needed a time out. I didn’t want to see or talk to anybody. It didn’t happen because if I didn’t put myself out there, then other people started streaming to my door – literally. I recognized the Lord’s hand in it, snapped out of my pout and graciously served tea and friendship to everyone who came to me.
What’s your favourite quote?
It sounds really cool how you're constantly having people into your home. In today's culture that's a lost art so I'm sure that your home is really something special for others.
I love tea, and it would be cool to stop by if it wasn't 3,200 miles!
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