My name is Michelle, my blog style is probably very different from the others written on this page... It is a bit intimidating being among such awesome inspiration and revelation... However, I'm up for the challenge... After all,The Kingdom of God is here and now!!!
What an awesome time in history this is for the sons and daughters of God. The spiritual realm and physical realm is under such distress and we as the body of believers have a front row seat... I come to you today with a word of encouragement !!! Remain faithful and do not become weary in well doing... Saints of God, this is the season for the harvest...This is the time for the body of believers to put into practice what Jesus spoke in Luke 4:18-19(nkjv)...
"The spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor;He has sent Me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed;To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."
All I can say is WOW!! We are placed strategically in our cities , towns, jobs, etc..for this very reason. Jesus has prepared the way and sent us to the people that need to hear the good news. At the time of our salvation saints, we received the awesome gift of eternal life and a life time partner and guide... "The Holy Spirit!". Because The Spirit of the Lord is upon every believer you are anointed!!! You/we were recruited into the service of the Lord. The Kingdom of God is here and now. So, my question is this: Saints what are we waiting for? There are people dying with out Christ, there are needs all around us. It's our responsibility to disarm the spirit of infliction, poverty and wickedness. Jesus never said it was going to be easy. You're going to be considered odd, different... So what!!Leave your reputation behind!!!Saints we need to call things as if they were!! People may ask you, "Who do you think you are??" Your response will be a son/ daughter of The Living God!!
With the kingdom ever present all that's done in the name of the Lord is for the building up of His kingdom. Our purposes are becoming greater in these days, I sense in my spirit the urgency of the Fathers cries for sincerity in His servants, for a fresh passion ignited by the realization of His cross and his inevitable return.There is much to accomplish in our short visit here on earth with not much time to waste. All this laboring we are doing over the Saints, and all of our own personal struggles are for God's purposes, and the purpose of the building up of His Kingdom.
So rise up!! All this "stuff" we are dealing with is for something!! Hooray!!
Great message - I love the way you've taken the Luke passage and personalized it. Tvedt's writing a whole new version of the Bible like that - the TCV = Tvedt Caffeinated Version.
Of all the folks I have known in my Christian life, you are one of the most passionate - thanks for bringing a little excitement to the Kingdom!
And yes, I have thought about how much easier it might be, if I just kept my mouth (and keyboard) shut about the Kingdom.
Hooray for Jesus!
Hooray for Jesus!!
What a blessing to read such a passionate post... I love it! You are going to be a tough act for me to follow on Fridays.
Thanks for making my day better in His name and welcome to Kingdom Bloggers.
Great thoughts. So many fail to hear His words yet. Yes time is shortbut there is still time to win more souls to Christ.
Thanks for this uplifting post.
May zeal for His Kingdom and love for the people around us burn intensely in each of our hearts
Great blog! So glad you are with us!
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