Thursday, June 3, 2010

How do you commemorate what God has done for you?

Webster defines Momentum as: " strength or force gained by motion or through the development of events".

Have you ever been somewhere that seemed to have a strong positive momentum?

Recently I attended a leadership training seminar at a large church. One of the things that really impressed me was the positive momentum they had going; there were so many volunteers who attended that church who were present, wanting to increase their skills. The prevalent attitude that was so strong it was almost palpable was that of a gee-we-Get-to-serve-God-and-be-involved-in-His-work. This has got me to thinking about ways to facilitate that type of momentum.

Then yesterday, when I read Joyce's post Don't Be A Scrooge, Raise Your Ebenezer, on the heels of David's and Tony C's Memorial Days posts, it's got me to thinking about the role remembering, and formal remembrances, play in producing a positive momentum.

The Bible is filled with examples of ways to remember. In Exodus 12:1-30 we've got the start of the celebration that is now referred to as Passover, when God directed Israel to celebrate to commemorate when God led His people out of captivity in Egypt. In Joshua 3-4:20 we've got the account where God allows the children of Israel to cross over the Jordan River and it becomes dry for them to make their way into the promised land; so they set up stones as a monument so they will remember the great thing God did for them. In Luke 22:13-20 we've got Jesus declaring to His followers during passover, a new commemoration of eating the bread and drinking the wine to remember His body and blood that would be sacrificed for all of us.

So remembering, formal commemorations and remembrances, can increase our faith and facilitate positive momentum.

So, my question for you is, what are some specific ways that you commemorate the things God has done for you?

I'm really interested in what you have to say because I want to increase the ways I can do this.


Michelle said...

I would really be interested in the responses here, too.

This has been a thought on my mind as I have recently finished Joshua as I'm working my way through the OT. I thought about the memorials and in my limited mind, I couldn't help but worry about the temptation of idolatry with these memorials. I am a very simple person and tend to not make a "big deal" out of anything or get caught up in tradition. We celebrate very few holidays and birthdays are very simple. We have done this not because they are wrong, but because we don't want to take anything away from God and place on man. I am very careful to not have crosses, statues, or pictures of "Jesus" in my home because I don't want these to become objects of holiness. Yet, I have been challenged recently to think of how God is represented in my home. My only reply can be scripture I have posted on the wall and the amount of Bibles and spiritual resources around my home.

When I read about the several memorials set up by Isreal, I couldn't help but question if I was missing something? If there is some way I can have "memorials" to God without the bounds of idolatry taking place?

And now...I have to think in what ways could this have positive momentum in my faith?

~*Michelle*~ said...

Funny that you post about this.....I just posted about what my tattoos mean to me and how people feel about them, as I have heard that some Christians feel they are not acceptable and/or are following an idol path.

photogr said...

I take a moment every day to give thanks for what I have been given by God and not want more than He wants to give.

I take communion when I feel that I have been following His plan and have no anger issues with others.

Setting up a phyical object or tabernacle is not my cup of tea so it is with in my heart that I commemorate His grace and love there by not worshiping an idol or statue but worshiping only Him in the unseen spirit.

Joyce said...

Rituals are very important. God instituted the ritual of Passover because He knew that when we celebrate a ritual, we are locking in the remembrance in a way that simply thinking about it can't.
I understand that many of us would say that rituals without the Spirit are dead. I agree. However, we still need rituals. It is part of how we are wired.

David said...

I have tried to make some family traditions - but it's hard!

I commemorate my date of salvation, my day of sobriety and make a deal out of Pentecost.

I have some similar things that I do regarding my marriage. I made a frame with some mementos from the wedding.

For many years I left my theology and ministry school diplomas in a box. Finally, after many years, I hung them on the wall.

I might try think of something else to celebrate.

Tracy said...

I relate to the difficulty in establishing family traditions David. One of our Christmas traditions, like many families, is an advent wreath. Just this last year one of my teens told me that he thinks its weird that we do "all that Bible reading" aloud together at home.

david said...

Well, Tracy my kids are OK with that. It has just been hard to be consist ant. We often have an enjoyable grace and my 6-year-old never forgets. We play worship music at dinner time. We've been doing that for years and years. Now if we could just find a church everyone felt valued at.

Joyce said...

Church -- hmmm, why is that one so hard?

David said...

@Joyce - I guess I am not all that interesting. That's the only thing I can think of. I even take showers and wear cologne.

Tracy said...

For what it's worth, I think you're very interesting David. I think that as a culture, we're very busy and closed off - don't get close. My experience is that it just takes a lot of time span before people recognize and feel comfortable with me (and vice aversa concerning comfort levels). Also, I've consistently noticed that it's much easier for me to connect in women-only groups than couples settings (and my husband John is awesome so it's not about that).