We feel this way because music speaks the language of our hearts and it engages us. We experience music.
But I'm not a musician, not a gifted singer, not entrenched in the world of music. Perhaps it's because of this that I've found that it's the simple songs that I come back to repeatedly.
Those simple worship choruses, especially the ones singing my love to the Father, are the ones I come back to again and again. There have been countless mornings when I've stolen away to that treasured time alone, and began singing those simple songs; either from a heart filled with love and gratitude, or when I've felt nothing and chose to sing as an act of will. Either way, it's to those simple songs that I return time and time again.
Here are links to a few of those simple songs that I managed to find on youtube:
I love you Lord
Father I adore you
You're worthy of my praise
What about you, do you have some simple choruses that you find have captured your heart?
More Precious Than Silver
I'm following your lead tomorrow Tracy. Hard to pick just one, yet one immediately came to mind.
I love the passion that shows in your post!
Yeah, I love the song Hungry. It still ministers to me. I have all these tunes in Portuguese and Spanish too - err and some in Norwegian. :)
Love it! haven't thought about Hungry in a long time - great song. I remember the first time I heard it and I remember trying to teach it to a young worship leader who eventually was the worship leader for the church I pastored -
Isn't if funny, we are always hungry, we get satisfied in worship and yet it makes us more hungry...
Ooh, that's funny, I listened to your list and Hungry takes on such a greater meaning for me too. I'm so hungry for his presence.
It was incredibly difficult to pick one song, which is why I said my song is my new favourite worship song. They do change with the season I'm in.
Thanks for sharing.
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