I am grateful that the All Mighty Creator of the universe, the Host of the Armies of Heaven, the Holy and Just and Perfect God, chooses to have His Holy Spirit live in me, and chooses to grace me with His very presence.
It's just that sometimes I'm aware of His presence, and sometimes I'm not so aware. Sometimes my experience of Him is palpable, and sometimes I don't feel a thing and have to act on faith.
I can remember a specific time in my life when I needed Him and frequently experienced both His presence and His joy. It was when I took over my first facility as administrator.
In some ways I'm not a natural at being an administrator; I've got the mental ability but I'm shy, hate confrontations, would like to just be nice all day, detest being the center of attention, and am a definite laid back, type B, personality who adores when I have the luxury to take her time. But in a hectic, busy, secured
So I developed the habit of spending time with God every morning. Trying to program my brain through His Word so that His way of doing things would be my first response.

What I can remember, with a smile on my face as I think back on it, was how real He made His presence to me. It was similar to what I've seen in the movies, or heard people describe, about how their dad was with them when they first learned to ride a 2-wheel bike; he'd hold on for awhile before He let go. That was the type of experience I had with God during that season of my life; I never felt alone because I could sense His very presence, right there, when I called out to Him. And His presence filled me with such joy and security; knowing that my heavenly Father was there for me, that I wasn't alone as I was learning the ins and outs of the job He'd blessed me with to provide for my family.
What about you, have you experienced God's faithfulness? Has He been there when you needed Him?
1 comment:
I feel like a McDonald's commercial this week, "I'm lovin' it." I LOVE all the testimonies of personal joy in the Lord.
Like Joyce said on Tuesday, it's difficult to put into words that adequately explain what the joy is like - it's out of this world and the joy and peace that go hand in hand keeps us dependent on the Father.
Loved your testimony, thanks for sharing.
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