Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Worship is a Lifestyle by Jenna Vick Silliman

Worship is turning our hearts to our Creator, like flowers turning their faces toward the sun. God shines His light to make our lives bloom and grow. Worship is a lifestyle. It is focusing on the Lord our God and King in adoration, love, praise, and awe—and we can worship Him any time and anywhere. We ARE the temple of His Spirit, so we do not need to go to a church building to worship Him.
This is me flagging in worship. Sequim,WA Aug.2012
About two years ago I started flagging in worship of the Lord because the colorful flags make my worship bigger, more colorful, and more expressive. I love to worship Him with all my heart and soul and mind and strength and just pour myself out and lose myself in His presence. Sometimes I dance, sometimes I sing or flag, or sometimes I just sit and soak in His loving presence. As C.S. Lewis said, “It is in the process of being worshipped that God communicates His presence to men.”
God wants us to be hot, not cold or lukewarm.  He tells us to delight in Him and seek to know Him and to praise and worship Him and love Him and set our minds on Him. As Graham Cooke says, "We never exit worship. It is a melody that is either in the foreground or the background of our hearts. When it comes to the fore, we must give ourselves to it generously." I like the way Isaiah says it, “I set my face like a flint.” (See Is. 50:7.)
More than worship by myself, however, I enjoy worshiping Him in unity with other people that love Him too. An assembly of people worshiping with all their hearts is totally awesome. God inhabits the praises of His people! We are an “ark” of His presence, living stones, a temple of His Holy Spirit. Our relationships with Him and each other are of paramount importance, NOT our religious practices or Sunday services where people are just going through the motions. It makes my heart ache and feel such sadness when I think of Christians gathering and just watching, like they are an audience, instead of entering into worship. Even worse is when people chit chat or focus on their i-phones, instead of worshiping Him in the assembly.
I asked my Pastor, John Himmelberger, one time, “Should there be some teaching on how to enter into a time of worship together?” He said something I will never forget, “Some things are better caught than taught.” With that in mind, here is a little girl singing to God with all her heart. Watch this YouTube!  When I watched it I started laughing and crying with joy and worshipping right along with her! Hahaha!

I also said something to John about how flaggers are worship leaders. He replied, “I like to call them worshiping leaders.” Exactly! When we gather for a time of worship I try to just focus on the Lord and worship my heart out and block out thoughts about what other people are doing. A friend said to me one time, “Wow Jenna! I was watching you for a while when you were worship dancing and you were just GONE.” Hahaha! Yep! I worship with singing, flagging and dancing with “ekstatic worship” just like King David. Watch me if you choose, but don’t talk to me because I’m busy worshipping Jesus! You may think it is a performance for you, but it is not. My worship is a performance for my beloved King! HE LOVES IT.

As Graham Cooke said, "True worship leaders are not choirmasters. They do not lead by singing [or playing an instrument or dancing or flagging]. They are caught up in their own movement. The Lord plays their heart like an instrument. In that place of intimacy He uses their heart to attract, inspire, and compel people to respond."

Dear Lord, make me an instrument of worship in praise and adoration of You, my beloved King. Thank You for giving me companions that love You first and foremost to worship You together in the assembly. I want more of Your presence in my life and I live to delight Your heart with my praises and my worship. No matter what, no matter when, no matter where--I will worship You. Thank You for Your goodness, kindness, and tender loving ways toward me. Tune my heart to Yours, O God, to enjoy the dance of LIFE with You forevermore!
Lord, Your praise shall continually be in my mouth. Psalm 34:1

1 comment:

Linda Maynard said...

Did you make the flag that you are pictured with in the blog? It is really nice