Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Word of God by Jenna Vick Silliman

Oh how I LOVE Your Word, O Lord! (Psalm 119:97) I awaken before dawn, go to a place where we can be alone and I pray there. (Mark 1:35) In the morning I cry out to You with my voice. (Psalm 5:3) Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of Your Word! (Psalm 119:18) Lord Jesus, God, You are the living Word. (John 1:1) My expectations are in You. (Psalm 62:5) I am satisfied with Your goodness. (Jer. 31:14) When I read two pages of Your Word each morning I wait for You to speak to me for I have ears to hear. (Matthew 11:15) I know Your Word becomes ‘rhema’ enlightenment for me in my relationship with You. I know there is no life in the Scriptures apart from relationship with You. (John 5:39) If I abide in Your Word and possess it I am truly Your disciple. (John 8:31) I know the Truth and the Truth has set me free. (John 8:32) I delight in Your promise that if I continue to abide in You and Your Word continues to abide in me, I may ask whatever I will and it shall be done for me. (John 15:7) In Your Word we are given many great and precious promises that we might be partakers of Your divine nature. (2Peter 1:4) I meditate on Your Word all day. (Psalm 119:97) It is a light to my path. (Psalm 119:105) It revives me. (Psalm 119:159) I let Your Word dwell in me richly. (Col. 3:16) I have hidden Your Word in my heart. (Psalm 119:11) You have put Your Word in my mouth. (Isaiah 51:16) When I speak Your Word it does not come back void. (Isaiah 55:11) It endures forever. (1Peter 1:25) Like the Bereans, I search the Scriptures daily, to see whether things are true. (Acts 17:11) I know every Scripture is inspired by You and profitable for instruction, for reproof, for correction of error, for discipline in obedience to You, and for training in holy living so that we may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16,17) I want to be like Apollos—well versed and mighty in the Scriptures, instructed in Your way, O Lord, burning with spiritual zeal, teaching from the Scriptures accurately and speaking freely and fearlessly. (Acts 18:24-26) I meditate on Your Word day and night and habitually continue to think about it, and, as You have promised, I have become like a tree firmly planted by streams of living water and my leaves do not wither, even in times of drought, and I am steadfast in times of storm. By Your Word, I am prospering and flourishing! (Psalm 1) Your Word is perfect and makes my heart rejoice…Your Word is pure and bright, enlightening my eyes. Your Word is sweeter than honey and the honeycomb—better than dessert! (Psalm 19:7-11) I take heed, also, to the prophetic Word, confirmed by Scripture, as a light that shines in the darkness. (2Peter 1:19) I rejoice in Your Word, O God, as one who finds great treasure. (Psalm 119:162)

1 comment:

Linda maynard said...

Your blog made me think of a book I used so often..."Prayer That Avail Much" by Germaine Copeland. It has prayer focuses and is purely scripture...powerful!
BTW...where do you get the beautiful and worshipful pictures that you insert with your blogs? They are awesome. Have a good day