I remember reading an article a few years back about world renown violinist Joshua Bell playing incognito in a Washington DC subway. It was an experiment conducted by the Washington Post with the help of Mr. Bell. While playing 7 separate masterpiece scores on a $3m+ violin, Bell was virtually ignored by all but a handful of over 1070 people passing directly in front of him. He played for 45 minutes, seven people stopped to take in a minute or so, and twenty seven people threw down $32 and some change...
Three days prior to his impromptu concert, Joshua Bell sold out the Metro Station in Boston where the middle of the road seats went for $100 each.
The article resonated with me on a spiritual level. Don't we do God's Word the very same way?
16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 (NIV)
At the time the story on Joshua Bell came to my attention, my daily reading and study revolved around the latest book release from a hot Christian author or online articles from popular websites. My nightstand was loaded down with books and magazines aimed at helping me better understand the role of a Christian in our world today...and my research journal and pen were always ready for me to jot down notes or thoughts.
Paul's letters to Timothy have always been a favorite study for me. While reading an article one evening surrounding the debate of Paul's authorship of the two books of Timothy, the verses above from the second book came to mind.
Why am I wasting time reading about this silly, pointless debate? All I need to know about Paul or Timothy can be found in the Holy Bible. I don't need someone else's take on the matter. Come to think of it, why am I spending so much time reading all this other stuff too?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with reading the latest and greatest best-selling author on Christian subject matters. Actually, I think it can be quite healthy. But in doing so, don't forget the only true inspired source of our Christian faith...the Holy Bible...the Word of God. Don't neglect daily time to read and study the Scriptures like I was doing in an effort to become a better Christian...or at least a smarter one.
We often take the Bible for granted because it's not the new flashy, highly-marketed bestseller. We plop down hundreds of dollars to read what other people have to say about what's already written in God's Word...yet the music coming from our Bible's pages is amazing enough standing alone...in that hopefully battered, worn from use cover...passed by dozens of times daily wherever it lays in your home...tested by time.
Be sure to stop and listen to that beautifully inspired, from the hand of God music today.
Having once played violin and classical guitar duets on the Green Line in Boston, the story is hauntingly familiar. (Trust me, there were no masterpieces that day either!) Most people are in a rush to do "life." Whether work or pleasure, they don't have (take) time to smell the roses.
I read the Bible at least 5 days a week, but I try to live it every day. I am amazed how comforting, refreshing and alive the Word of God is.
I used to have a CD where Rodney Howard Brown read all that healing verses in the Bible - wow.
Thanks, Tony.
Truly inspiring...
Right on! If we are always reading about the revelations and inspirations of others, we fail to allow the Holy Spirit to work them in us as well. Great post!!
Very good post.
I get wrapped up in pointless debates too much. I don't dig the best sellers at Christian book stores because I believe if they are highly esteemed by men... there is probably not much God in them.
I do love me some Arther Pink and John Bunyan though. I love to read the classics because they bring the scripture to life for me. They remind me of how much I need God and therefore, throw me into The Word.
So very true. In our fast-paced world we want instant, pre-digested food. That's what most Christian books are. Unfortunately, such food is baby food, or as the Bible calls it, "food for infants." Digging into the Bible and meditating upon it until it comes alive takes time and effort to meditate upon it - something in short supply in our world. On the other hand, the Holy Spirit can make the most boring Scriptures become exciting if we allow Him to - like I've been excited about Leviticus lately as He's been leading me through it. The key is dialogue with the Holy Spirit who turns the word into Rhema.
I find that books explaining the scriptures is helpful. They allow one to better understand waht is being said in the Bible when they do read it.
Awesome illustration! I love God's word and look forward to my time with Him but I didn't always. People like Dallas Willard and his book The Divine Conspiracy, John Piper's Desiring God, and several studies by Beth Moore changed my attitude and helped me know how to draw it in more deeply.
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