This week on Kingdom Bloggers, we are discussing favorite Contemporary Christian Author and Books.
Four authors came to mind, Francine Rivers, Bodie Theone, Liz Curtis Higgs and Jill Austin.
Francine writes fiction, Bodie, along with her husband Brock writes Historical fiction, Liz writes both fiction and nonfiction and Jill, nonfiction, fiction and allegories.
What surprises me about liking their books is the fact that I do like fiction writing. I will tell you why that surprises me. For so many years, all that I would read was nonfiction, with practically no interest in fiction. But with these authors and others, I have broadened my repertoire.
I see that fiction books are not much different than the parables that Jesus taught. They use the power of imagination to open up our minds to truth and the Word of God.

It is a story based on the book of Hosea, which is of course about the Lord’s steadfast Love of His Bride, the Church. (Each and every believer)
I liken this book’s influence similar to listening to a song. With a song, barriers of fear and a misunderstanding of the Lord’s steadfast faithfulness to His bride can be demolished. Listening to a song and it having a powerful effect of us is because the words and/or the tune are like an arrow that pierces the deepest parts of our heart.
I mentioned in a previous blog, that my life scripture, which I go to, again and again is Hebrews 13:5…”I will NEVER leave you or forsake you”
“Redeeming Love” emphasizes this type of love. Michael Hosea, one of the main characters is based on Hosea (who represents the Lord). Michael Hosea and his unwavering love for his wife Gomer is exemplified clearly in the book. Gomer’s character is called, Angel and she represents us, the Bride of Christ.
The story take place in the 1850’s during the Gold Rush,
What first attracted me to Francine as an author? It was her testimony.
She had been brought up in a religious home, received Jesus into her heart as a child and yet He did not become Lord in her life, until she was well into adulthood, with a husband and three children.
Previously she had a very successful career in the secular book market, being a romance author, for almost ten years. She received many accolades and awards during that time.
When she returned to the Lord, she laid down her writing for a season, as she realized that it had become an idol to her.
In church, she sat under good expository teaching that explained the historical context of what the scriptures were saying. She became seeped in the Word of God.
Redeeming Love was the first novel she wrote, after the Lord became number one in her life.
I like that Francine writes fiction for reasons beyond imagination. She always has a Biblical theme in mind when she writes.
In her own words, she “uses her writing to draw closer to the Lord and that through her work, she might worship and praise Jesus for all He has done and is doing in her life.”
And we know that the bread that we have been given like she has, is the very thing we now have to distribute to the world.

I would recommend visiting her website to get a sense of her style, what she writes and how she has been given a gift of being able to revamp a talent, now to be used for the glory of God.
1 comment:
Appreciate your observation that fiction can "use the power of imagination to open up our minds to truth and the Word of God." I also find this true.
I really enjoy what I've read by Francine Rivers. Haven't read the ones you mention here but really enjoyed the Lineage of Grace series.
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