I got a lot of information, this morning, to answer that question. I think going into any depth would take away from our intentions of talking about Hope in the Advent season.
So I will leave that for another time and talk about this Outrageous Hope.
I would like to share one short thing that did happen to me, having to do with my expressing hope.
I was a fairly new Christian and I was talking to another believer and I said " Well, I hope...." I didn't even get to finish my thought and the person jumped on me and said " NO!...you should not hope....you should have faith!!!
Yikes!...they pretty much overwhelmed me.
I later learned that they were part of the Faith Movement and pretty adamant about their Theology. I have since learned that yes..."they" have some of the truth of God, but they certainly do not have all of the truth.

Hope=Anticipation...Expectation...Desire for something to happen
The waiting of Advent, makes me think of all the Jewish people who are still waiting for the Messiah. The signs are there that He has already arrived but so many are blinded from the truth. They literally are...without Hope.
In the Word, we are commanded to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and understandably it seems to indicate a land...a country. But, if we think about it...there will be no lasting Peace in Israel or anywhere else in the world, for it's citizens, unless they come to know the Prince of Peace.
In the "homeland of their hearts" they need to know Him.
My little grandson, who is 3 said yesterday, " Granny, did you know Christmas is Jesus' Birthday?"I am excited, that in his tender heart, there is already a place to know that Christmas is so much more than decorations and gifts and trees. Of course he doesn't fully understand everything. He still wants all the presents and such... but I have purposed to make a cake and have a little celebration for the Birthday Jesus.
He will eventually learn the Advent story and the concept of waiting.
I learned in the Catholic Church, I attended as a child...we have to wait till Christmas until the babe will be placed in the Manger. I know for me, when Jesus was there in the creche in church...it felt to me like...everything was complete now. And that still is true today. The joy and contentment that I have, remembering His birth, will carry me again, another year.
So...what are YOU waiting for?
Monday, November 28, 2011: Colossians 1:3-27
Tuesday, November 29, 2011: Psalms 130
Wednesday, November 30, 2011: Lamentations 3:21-33
Thursday, December 1, 2011: Ephesians 1:3-15
Friday, December 2, 2011: Hebrews 7:11-28
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