The bright
colors of the rainbow are all around us reminding us of God’s amazing promises. In addition to the life we are now experiencing, there is MORE! Let’s marvel for a minute on this relationship with God. Is there any end to it? Jesus said He came
to bring us LIFE and life abundantly--life beyond all our imagination or
expectations. What an amazing answer to a little prayer of
conversion to Christianity!
When I first prayed and asked Jesus to be my Savior, I had no concept of His Lordship, His awesome presence, or His greatness. The answer to this simple little prayer far surpassed any thought I had in my head. In fact, it turned out to be a revolutionary transformation—the proverbial worm into a butterfly! Think about His love for us? Can we fathom it?
Heaven is not a destination I’m headed for like I thought it was. It is now the place I am living from. The kingdom of heaven is at hand—within. We pray the Lord’s prayer about His kingdom on earth and this is our orientation now. All heaven is now backing us. Wow! I don’t know about you, but I didn’t bargain on that when I said the sinner’s prayer. I had no idea legions of angels would be surrounding me. I had no concept of Jesus interceding for me at the right hand of the Father. I definitely did not know about Holy Spirit empowerment. I never thought about becoming royalty as the bride of King Jesus!Just think of the exchange rate of the Kingdom of
God. We exchange darkness for light, evil for good, weakness for power,
mourning for joy, and captivity for freedom. We are no longer under the law or under judgment;
now we are under grace and we are favored by God. As it says in Romans, sin no
longer has dominion over us because we are under His amazing grace. We also
exchange our life of aloneness and exclusion from the life of God, to one of
belonging and being loved unconditionally and blessed with His sweet
companionship 24/7. Who am I that the God of the universe would consider
me? He listens to my desires, my hopes, and my dreams. He has new mercy and
lovingkindness for me every day and steadfast love that is never ending.
God created each of us with gifts and talents and
abilities to accomplish great and marvelous things. He also empowers us to do
what He calls us to do. We are each given the power of His resurrection, it
says in Scripture. Wow! How’s that for gasoline in your engine to go after your
destiny? We are turbo-charged!
There is no question in my mind that of all the
prayers I have prayed, my very first prayer of asking Jesus to be my savior,
has been answered far beyond what I could have asked for or even dreamed! Thank
You, Lord Jesus, for loving me.
So well said. He gives and gives and gives again!
Your joy is evident and contagious!
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