Whenever I start saying the phrase, “I never want to live in
(insert place name here),” my husband gives me that face: raised eyebrows,
knowing smirk. After 25 years and several moves together, he knows that many of
those moves were preceded long before with the phrase, “I never want to live

I figure since God created the world and everything in it,
He knows best directing my path, and in giving me the desires of my heart. This
realization, however, has come from growth and experience, not initial
conviction. God has shown me over the years that the goals I had initially
established for myself as worthy of pursuit were not bad, but not His best for
me at that time.
When my husband took us along on a business trip to central
New York, after four hours drive, I said, “I could never live out here. If I
see one more farm, I will do myself in.” One year later, we moved to Ithaca,
New York, which became one of my favorite places on the planet, and filled with
people who helped launch us on the trajectory toward full-time ministry.
A few years ago, there was the possibility of a ministry
position in New England that I was convinced God would open up to us: it was
near family, came with a home, and, importantly for a lover of all things New
York and Boston, was on the train line. When that opportunity closed, I was
crushed. After moving so far from family and many friends for so many years, I
had my heart set on being back in Connecticut.
Then, Tim received a call from a church in Rochester, New
York. We knew Rochester in a sense, having visited there a few times, being not too far from Ithaca. I knew it
was cold and snowy there in the winter. “I don’t want to live there, ” I said.
“This is one of the places you ‘okayed’ a couple of months
ago,” Tim replied. He knew that every place he would look at as a potential
pastorate would have to pass muster with not only me, but our two daughters
still at home. “I did?” I had some vague recollection of that, but being in my
final year of a master’s program with three children in three
different stages of life, my brain power was limited.
So, Rochester it was, and is. An easy move? No. But God knows me, and
he gave me gifts to make it easier: my youngest daughter has an awesome high
school and has met some special friends; we see our closest friends from Ithaca
frequently; I founded a book group with another newbie Rochesterian that quickly filled with
awesome women; and we live in a picturesque village along the Eire Canal. No, I
did not want to live here. But I do now. His will be done.
1 comment:
Enjoyed your blog!
Unlike you and your several moves and Joyce with her gazzillion moves...my husband and I have remained in CT our entire lives.
Not sure about the rest of the group but I'll never say never ( about a move)
I had to look up for myself and ask, just where IS Rochester NY? I think I knew it was cold but not much more.
I was like Wow...OK only 5 hrs and 47 minutes away from me BUT...The National Museum of Play! OK, now THAT is a place that would be a draw for me.
Oh yes and a cup of Earl Grey and ...
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