Monday, June 20, 2011

What Do you Want to be When You Grow Up?

As a kid I really enjoyed my Matchbox cars (I still have some), art, the outdoors and machines. In those days we didn't have remote control TVs, personal computers, and the certainly the digital age was still a long way off. We walked or rode our bikes everywhere, played real sports with real people, and amazingly, cars didn't even have seat-belts. For sure technology has come a long way... but I have changed a little. I prefer to wake up in a hotel room instead of a sleeping bag on the ground. I still do love art and machines.

My conversion to Christ added a whole new dimension to my life, and I became passionate about certain aspects of the Kingdom. And that's what we will be writing about this week, the very thing that we dream about doing as Christians... the passion and desire of our hearts. Oh, and this week we are adding a new Kingdom Blogger; our Canadian friend Andrea. She debuts on Wednesday, don't miss it.

From the moment I encountered Jesus, I got supercharged about Christianity. I wanted to be the best and most knowledgeable Christian I could be. M encounters with God we so real, and I just wanted more and more and more! I loved to watch God at work in powerful ways such as healing, words of knowledge and prophecy. To be honest, I didn't really know what all that stuff was, it was just happening around me and I took it in. And worse I didn't know how to pray or read the Word either. But I know that I wanted Jesus: the Living, Powerful, Amazing One! My spirit was s excited I would lay away thinking about all the things that God would use me to do.

If you've read Kingdom Bloggers for any length of time, you know that I am not too good at all the traditional Christian stuff. I am bit off in the wilderness some days. It is just this past year that I actually found a church that could handle the real me.

My passion as a Christian is to be like Paul was. I want to teach, to travel and to operate in the power gifts. I certainly want to love on people as well. Next week I will tell you how come I am not quite there yet. :) The reality for me is that I have had a chance to travel as a missionary; in fact that is how I met Joyce. God opened the doors to ministry for me and financed it all too! I was out of the country on average about twice a year, and when I wasn't, I ministered just about every week in a Brazilian church in my region.

More recently I have been staging the next season of ministry. I taught a 7 week course on all the things I love about the church, and we have already planned classes out into 2012! I wrote 2 books and about 700 blogs. The best part is that I am working with a great team. And not unlike Kingdom Bloggers, we are starting to work well together. I love teams! I am at my best when I am with others that compliment my gifts. There is such freedom to pass the baton to a co-laborer for Christ and watch them succeed too.

As I look back, that is one of the biggest changes in me, I learned through Christ I need people. I love the gifts that he pours out on the church, and whatever they are, I want to be with them!

I still lay awake at night praying, and thinking about all the things that God has for me. I share my hearts desires, and He give me his. We're in this together for all eternity!

How about you, what's you hope for your Christian walk?


Linda Maynard said...

David, your blog and topic has come at a time when I am not only reflecting on what I want to "do" for the cause of Christ but at a time when I am being used in the truest sense according to the gifts and talents the Lord has given to me.
You'll never find me in administration areas in the church because that is not who I am. And yet those who have such a gifting are needed. I need them.
I meet with a small group of women and one of them was kind of putting herself down because she is not creative like a couple of us. She does quilting in a very precise way and I think it reflects her personality.
I had a revelation about that on the way to our meeting and was able to encourage her in her gifting(s)
I said " God is a God of order and I feel that He reflects that in and through you" Yes, He is creative but when He created the world...He showed forth His was not chaos.
I have been gifted in the area of writing and art.
I have fully stepped into my contributuon in those areas.
I am writing a weekly devotion for my church web site and facebook page, I have submitted 2 pieces of my collage/mixed media pieces in a local Art Show.
God has also used me to give personal and encouraging words to others.
I have even been asked to teach on a portion of Acts for a Life Group I belong to. Wow, I had been given a word about teaching years ago but it really was on my radar then.
What amazes me about the encouraging gift He has bestowed upon me is that, it was the very thing I longed for when I was growing up and didn't get it from the people who mattered. So here He has enabled me to give it to others. I don't think any of us are diminished by too much encouragement.
I think this is a great subject and I think it is the greatest thing when Christians in the Body of Christ can grow and accept who THEY are in Christ.
Believe me, I am so aware of the other giftings that I need for others to administer.
Why I am so excited about "stepping out or stepping in" to who I was meant to be, is that I have gone through a long sad time of not wanting anything to do with Church and the people in it.
I went from a time of serving and confidence to being knocked down.
I guess you could say...I am arising again and it couldn't please me more and I know that my Abba is smiling down on me.
I affirm ALL that the Lord has called you to do and to be David.

Tony C said...

Great topic this week and you were perfect to kick it usual.

The real question isn't if you still HAVE Matchbox you still PLAY with Matchbox cars?

Like me, you've got a lot of estogen running around the house. We need our 'guy' know.

Tracy said...

Your excitement about what God's doing in your life always encourages my faith.

Joyce Lighari said...

Great kick off for the week as always. I can just see you with your matchbox cars :-). So, do you play with them still?
I've learned a lot from you and it is a joy to be in this together with you - for eternity

David-FireAndGrace said...

@Linda - WOW! That is awesome! I am such a fan of "be who you are in Christ." It sounds like your heart and heaven have lined up. That is Glory!

@Tracy - yeah, now if can get the devil out of the way!

@Tony and Joyce - well I still have quite a large collection - then there are some on my desk. And if Charlotte asks, we get on the floor and fire the Hot Wheels around. :)